
The management of the club shall be in the entire control of the committee.

The committee may delegate any part of its duties (except the admission of members) to one or more sub-committees which may be comprised of any members of the Club.

The club may seek affiliation to the Lawn Tennis Association through the appropriate County Lawn Tennis Association.


The Committee shall have the power to refuse membership.

The Committee also has the power to terminate or suspend the membership, or to exclude any member or visitor.

Any member so excluded shall have the right to lodge an appeal at an Annual or Extraordinary General Meeting of the Club.

There shall be the following classes of membership:-

- Adult Full Member

- Family (Adults X 2 and Children)

- Junior (aged to 18 or over 18 in full time education)

- Intermediate (18 to 21)

- Seniors (over 60)

Subscriptions are due on 1st April each year. The rates will be advised to members and prospective members prior to the beginning of each season.

The committee recommend that juniors under the age of 12 should not be left unsupervised at the club.


The courts must be locked when not in use. The locks will be changed annually. Keys must not be copied or passed to non members and returned when membership of the club ceases.


Floodlights are available and the cost of the lights is £1 for an allocated period of time. All floodlight play must finish by 10pm. Those wishing to use the floodlights should ask any Committee member for details of their operation.

Times of play

The courts must not be used before 8.30am or after 10pm on any day

Junior Coaching takes place between 4.30pm and 6.30pm Mondays through to Fridays during school term time where all 3 courts are used.

Any member may use Courts 1 & 2 at anytime when scheduled events or matches are not taking place. Arranged fours must share courts when there are more arranged fours than courts available,

During Club play times a rota will operate and play should be limited to one short set (first to reach six games).

Court 3 is a 'Pay & Play' on Monday to Friday between 9.30 am & 4.30pm and must be vacated by Club members when it is booked. At all other times Club members have priority use of this court.


Tennis balls are provided by the Club for Adult Club play and League matches.

Any ball hit out of the court area must be retrieved if at all possible. Balls should NOT be retrieved from locked areas around the courts or from adjacent properties.


Guests of members are welcome to play at the club, provided they are accompanied by a club member. Guest fees are £5 for the day and can be paid either to a club committee member at the time or at the end of each month by sending a cheque to the Club Secretary. The cheque should be made payable to Taverham Tennis Club.


Members are requested to help maintain the courts and pavilion by clearing up after club play and generally keeping the area tidy. Proper tennis footwear should be worn during play.


The Club has public liability insurance through affiliation of the Lawn Tennis Association. Members are advised that this does not cover personal injury incurred whilst playing tennis.

League matches

The club enters teams in the Men's & Ladies City League, the Mixed North Norfolk League and the Norfolk Winter Mixed League.

Members wishing to play in matches should contact Adrian Gunton on 01603 867021. Match fees are £2 per match for adults and £1 for juniors or those in full time education. Members playing in the North Norfolk League will be expected to donate food to be shared with the away team after the match.

Taverham tennis club constitution

1.The Club, founded in 1973 shall be known as The Taverham Tennis Club

2.The object of the Club is to create and maintain the tennis courts situated at Sandy Lane Taverham for public and club use and to promote and organise the game of tennis on those courts in accordance with the Tenancy Agreement between Taverham Parish Council and the Tennis Club effective from 1st April 1999.

3.The Club is constituted as a non 'profit making members' club. In no circumstances during the continuance of the Club, nor at or after its dissolution, shall any assets or surplus funds be distributed to any member or other persons nor to any organisation which is not itself constituted as non profit making or a charity. No contributor whether they be a landfill operator or any other third party shall receive any individual benefit from the Club.

4.Membership shall be open to Broadland District residents and/or their children from the age of 10 years. Children who are under 10 years may play with the approval of the Committee. The number of adult playing members using the courts regularly shall be limited at the discretion of the Committee.

5.Officers and Committee members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Club and shall be 18 years or over.

Officers to be elected shall be :-

- Chairman (recommend 3 year term)

- Treasurer

- Match Secretaries

- Secretary

- Asst Secretary

- Committee members so as to make a Committee of no more than nine shall also be elected.

The Club Presidents may seek election to the Committee. All Committee members shall have one vote and a quorum for committee meetings shall be five.

6.Subscription rates shall be set annually and notified by letter to members by the 1st March and displayed on the Club notice board.

7.Subscriptions shall be paid to the treasurer by the 1st May each year. Failure to do so mat result in membership being offered to others on a waiting list. Cheques shall be payable to Taverham Tennis Club.

Any perspective member wishing to join after 1st October in any one year shall be required to pay half the annual subscription rate.

8.The playing season shall be from the 1st April to the 31st March unless the courts are closed at the discretion of the Committee or Parish Council. Playing times and court allocation will be decided by the Committee. At the commencement of the playing season details will be posted on the Club notice board or notified to members. No single games shall be played if members are waiting.